In the event that a remote learning day is called, students will participate in asynchronous instruction. Asynchronous instruction means that students will complete lessons and assignments on their own schedule, rather than in real-time with a teacher. While there will be no live class sessions, all assignments and materials will be provided, and students are expected to work independently to complete the tasks for the day.
If you experience any connectivity issues or difficulties with completing the work, please remember that according to CCS School Board Policy, students have up to five (5) days to submit their assignments upon returning to school. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility with remote learning.
Specific instructions for your school's remote learning plan are as follows:
Odell Primary is now using Remote Learning Choice Boards. These Choice Boards are unique to each grade level. When clicking the link below, Kindergarten is slide 1, 1st grade is slide 2, and 2nd grade is slide 3. A hard copy will also be sent home when remote learning is announced. If you have lost the hard copy and are unable to print the digital one, please call the front office to arrange the pick up of an additional hard copy as needed. As a reminder, students have 5 days upon return to complete work from remote learning days.